In different cultures, the lotus flower has a broad range of various symbolisms attached to it. While they may talk about the varying degrees of thoughts and ideologies, it all stems from the way the flower grows and the beauty that exudes from it. The flower is one which is usually found in swampy and slimy ponds of water. While the flower grows above the surface, it has a texture that makes the water slide off, making it the purest thing in pond or water body. The flower appears to be one of the most beautiful things in the midst of all the dirt and impurities. People who look at this cannot help but be in awe of the beauty in the midst of something they would never expect. This has translated into a beautiful symbolism in various cultures and is even considered sacred by several religious institutions. But what does make this flower as beautiful and mystic as different cultures have made it out to be? And what do people draw from this wonderful flower?

Ancient Egyptian Culture seems to have been one of the oldest cultures to associate the lotus flower with a deeper meaning and symbolism. The flower is considered to be a major symbol of Egyptian Culture and holds a high significance in their teachings and texts. The lotus plant goes into the water in the night and reemerges at sunrise during the day, which the Egyptians saw as a symbol of rebirth. The lotus was considered to be something that could be born afresh or pure even in the middle of impurities. In some ancient Egyptian texts, just as the beautiful flower is associated with rebirth, it is also associated with the cycle of life, or the ever flowing conscientious of humanity.


One of the religions that associate the most with the beautiful lotus is Hinduism. The national flower of India is also a lotus, bearing evidence to this. Since there are different colors of lotus flowers, the religion associates a different meaning with the various kinds of flowers. The flowers are related to ideas of birth spirituality, purity, fertility, and beauty. Many Hindu Gods and Goddesses are also related to the beautiful flower. Goddess Lakshmi is depicted as sitting on the top of a giant lotus flower, while the God Brahma is depicted emerging from a lotus.


Buddhism is also one of the cultures that primarily associated with the lotus flower. In this, the flower is related to things similar to that of Hinduism. This might also be due to the general geographic location of the two religions. The action of the lotus flower emerging from the water every morning towards the sun is seen as a symbol of yearning towards spiritual enlightenment. In Buddhism as well, different colored lotuses have a deeper meaning. The blue lotus is linked with wisdom while the white lotus symbolizes awakening or spiritual enlightenment. The pink lotus is considered to be one of the most important in Buddhism as it is viewed as the lotus that belongs to Buddha.

Egyptian Civilization